Use case: As a developer I want to see PHP source code in TeamCity build.
It is quite useful sometimes to observe code that used for build and tests of a project.
1. Lets create an observable HTML-presentation of PHP code
We will use a remarkable tool PHP_CodeBrowser. This program generates html-files based on php code, highlight syntax and pack results in a user friendly view. Let’s install PHP_CodeBrowser as a PEAR-extension on our TeamCity server.
pear channel-discover pear install --alldeps phpqatools/PHP_CodeBrowser
After installation we get a new program phpcb
. Let’s test it in command line:
C:\>phpcb [Error] Missing log or source argument. [Error] Missing output argument.
Now we can create an archive from our example php project. Run phpcb with some parameters.
C:\>phpcb -s c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\ConverterPHP2JS -o c:\temp\ConverterPHP2JS -i c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\ConverterPHP2JS\tests
Parameters here are: -s PHP-source code, -o html-output, -i ignored folders and files. In the out we will get a user friendly compact code view.
2. Make an ant-build task
The following task can be used to create html-code view. It can be added to TeamCity as a separate task or be added somewhere in the build script. In any case we need a special folder to keep the generated results. This folder should be cleaned while every build.
<target name="CodeBrowser php"> <delete dir="c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\codebrowser\\ConverterPHP2JS"/> <exec executable="phpcb.bat" failonerror="true"> <arg value="-s"/> <arg value="${basedir}\\"/> <arg value="-o"/> <arg value="c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\codebrowser\\ConverterPHP2JS"/> <arg value="-i"/> <arg value="${basedir}/gui/extjs,${basedir}/tests"/> </exec> </target>
3. Integration with TeamCity. Add a new tab to build details
First of all we will make that folder we create on the previous step as a build artefact for TeamCity. Go to project properties General Settings -> Artefact paths
. Points TeamCity to reate a new artefact (a zip-archive in fact) from that folder where generated html-failes are. We just need to add the following line to artefacts paths:
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\codebrowser\converterphp2js =>
After the artefact with html files inside is created we can show code browser as a separated tab in TeamCity. Go to Administration->Integrations->Report Tabs->Create new report tab
and set parameters for the new tab
Rebuild the project and we get a new tab with browsable php source code.