How to iterate date and time in PHP

We need to iterate date and time between two predefined time moments with a predefined time step.

For example 30 minutes step

$start = new \DateTime(...);
$end = new \DateTime(...);
for ($temp=$start; $temp<=$end; $temp->add(new \DateInterval('PT30M')))

1 day step

for ($temp=$start; $temp<=$end; $temp->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')))


How to compare date in MS SQL

Starts from version 2008 there are special types to store only date or time. These are Date and Time accordingly. But if a program should support old versions of SQL server then both date and time are stored together in DateTime field. It looks like for example ‘2012-09-02 02:07:38.430’.

Say we need to find all records for one day 2012-09-02.

The simple string comparison works in 2000, 2005 and 2008 versions if date format is correct.

SELECT * FROM SpecialDay WHERE [Date]='2012-09-02'

But this is not safe. And starts from SQL server 2012 this query will not return anything even with the correct same time as in database records.

SELECT * FROM SpecialDay WHERE [Date]='2012-09-02 00:00:00.000'

Then I learned to do it better way:

SET     @date = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-09-02', 120);
SELECT * FROM SpecialDay 
WHERE [Date] >= @date
AND [Date] < DATEADD(d, 1, @date)

I tried it in all versions of SQL server starts from 2000 and works everywhere.

Here the statement CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-09-02', 120) converts a string to a date format type 120. This is so caled ODBC-format ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’ 24-hours. String can be converted to Date-type can be converted with any separator character: slash, point or whatever.

Here is the list of supported date and time formats for CONVERT statement.

Constructor overloading in PHP

Method overloading is a partial case of polimorphism. With method overloading we can define different methods with the same name, and these methods can vary on type and a number of arguments. This is especially useful for class constructors. But PHP is a weak-type language and it does not allow several constructors in a class. How we can use method overloading in PHP even it is not a strong-type language?
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