Tag Archives: NUnit

Building and testing .NET application in command line

Setup: Windows – .NET 4.5, Linux – Mono 3, Mint 17 (based on Ubuntu 14). I need to build and test .NET application from command line and on CI server.
Sample solution can be downloaded from here https://github.com/mchudinov/BuildingTesting. Solution is compatible with MonoDevelop 5, Xamarin Studio 5 and Visual Studio 2012,2013,2015.


1. Building in command line

There are two standard command line building tools for .NET: MSBuild on Windows and xbuild on Linux/Mono. xbuild build files are compatible (with some exceptions) with MSBuild files.

We need at least 4 simple steps (targets as they called in MSBuild terminology) to build a .NET solution:

  • Clean
  • Restore NuGet packages
  • Build binaries
  • Run unit tests

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